Guiding you to the answers from within

– Bronnie Ware  “I wish I had had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”

Life is complicated, it’s busy and we are pulled in so many different directions, that we often end up not being true to ourselves, because we find it so hard to drown out the noise of all of the distractions around us. 

Hi, My name is Joanna Mason, my personal and professional journey has led me to work with people who are aware that there is more than a daily existence, who are seeking the path back to themselves. I guide my clients to reconnect with their core values, their purpose and their meaning, by using my signature immersive coaching technique

The reward for conformity, is that everyone likes you, except yourself

Rita Mae Brown

How would it feel to live by the LAW OF SUBTRACTION ?

 Imagine taking away all of the excess opinions, noise, distractions, the to-ing and fro-ing and really connecting to yourself, to that deep knowing that lives in your heart.
Here is where I can help. I can guide you to access this deep knowing, and get to know yourself more, this is about self- discovery and getting in touch with your inner voice.
If you are looking for a connection to your truth, so that you can live from your core values, if you are looking for clarity on decision making, following your North Star, honouring what is most important to you, then book a free call.

Most people drain their lives in ambivalence, I can help you to make those tough decisions with a deeper sense of alignment to your core values, your creativity and your own inspiration.

How would it feel to be free from distractions,  to be given the time and space to reflect, to optimise your performance in life,  work,  and business and ultimately find calm, clarity and the courage to act.

This is transformation based on neuroscience, and it works.  To find out more…..

There is a voice inside of you, That whispers all day long. “I know that this is right for me, And I know that that is wrong.” No teacher, preacher, parent, friend Or wise man can decide, What’s right for you, so listen to The voice that speaks inside’

You are ready to live a fuller, richer life and I am here to help you to bring this into reality.

I promise to provide a safe place for you to open up and have a guided soul search so you can overcome any of your negative beliefs, and help you to see your future more clearly.
It’s my job to help you to connect to that still, small voice inside, the one that knows exactly what is right for you.
Think of me as a tour guide, helping you to go inside to find the answers to the problems that you are seeking solutions for.
This isn’t about me sharing wisdom from gurus, or giving you advice on what to do and how to do it, this is about you reconnecting to yourself, and the things that matter most to you, guiding you to your truth.
I require you to be aware that there is more to life than the current experience you are having, to be coachable, willing to follow the process, and committed, to investing in yourself and your personal development.